Wednesday, September 28, 2005
*My Jail Life Starts*
After checking out from chalet, me , Huishan, Ziteng and Ah kiat take cab to school to attend a IAP briefing as well as to know which company we are posted to. I am posted to a company name Singapore Technologies Kinetics, sound nice right BUT the address can kill me. It is at Jalan Boon Lay, IS AT JALAN BOON LAY WOZ... The travel time is at least 1 and half hours and I have to report at 8.30am. O MY GOD!!! I guess I have to wake up at... at.. EARLY MORNING 6AM??? hai... One thing to comfort me is Ziteng and Wilson is posted to the same company as me. Hmm.. At least I no need to travel myself, hee.
Just watch a show with dear at Marine Square;The Myth; hmm.. quite good, worth the price but only is that there is super big vase( Jin Xi Shen;Main Actress) which I think a bit extra la..
Here are some of the pictures taken at the chalet(1st day);Ah Kiat Birthday Party aka Farewell Party:

Start of the day

Trying to be cute
Big Brother of Mine
"Da Tuo Tien"
BBQ Starts
Big 'N' Nice
Birthday Boy
Guys Again
Gals Again
Big Family
Alright, I shall stop here. To be continue for the 2nd day pictures. Nitez
Autumn fallen @ 11:38 PM |