Friday, December 30, 2005
*Boring ah Boring...*
Second week of FYPJ, this whole week was preparing the presentation for next tuesday. *SIGN* Third week only have presentation, still very blur of what the shit I need to do for this project. Been searching for resources during this 4 days, haven't even touch the slide but one of my group mate has already prepare 20 slides. Stress ahh.. Sure need to burn up one of my weekend to do the slide..
Yesterday after school, it was drizzling. Meet dear at YCK MRT Station to go for dinner but he was late. When he reach, the rain stop. While we were waiting for the train, guess what i saw????
RAINBOW.. Actually is a semi, but the ceilling block me so I only manage to take down the quarter of it.
. I hope that everyone will be bless by this
My dear dear babies going to hatch soon... Guess what?? His clownfish lay eggs on the Christmas Day and it will hatch in 7days . 2 more days to its birthday. This is the 3rd times the clownfish lay eggs, the previous 2 times did not successfully hatch out. Hopefully this time my dear can be a real ah gong.
There some picture took this few days.
The first day... Look that the toppings of the sushi.
Few days later the colour totally changed, the father was cleaning the egg.
The darkest part is their eyes.
Today their eyes should have change to silver colour and 2 more days we shall see many many nemo.. haha.. Happy for my dear.
Autumn fallen @ 11:47 AM |