Sunday, July 15, 2007
*Best Curry In Town or What so Ever!!!*
I always believe on 一山还比一山高 (which mean that there are something that can be better, nothing can be the best. Depend on how you to define it ).
You might not think that I am right and if you think you have better comments, Come ON! Shoot it out~~~ I will love it...
I loves curry, all types of curries. Like indian curry, chinese chicken curry, malays fish, lamb, beef curry, indonesian curry, thai green, red curry, pork curry...etc They are actually more different countries/types of curries out there, visit here -> CURRIES
Everyone has their favourite, and mine will be the JAPANESE curry. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee it to core. I just can't simply resist from curries, whenever I am out at a restaurant or food court, my first move will be hunting for Jap stall or any appealing pictures on curry first.
Yes I know that curry is VERY fattening, but I can't help(I believed some of my pounds get increase from them...).
Maybe sometimes (I said maybe) I will thought of getting them will increase pounds and I will stop to look for fish soup instead. Well, it only happens once in a while. *giggle*
Recently, I visited a restaurant near my work place name Curry Flavor. From the name it already sounds so appealing. So I hop in to get a try.
It turn out to be so gooddddddded..... godness heaven~~~~~
The place is near City hall, at Stamford House. Just opposite my work place and is not a good news AT ALL.
Sooner I will be become a broke fatass....
No kidding man.. It was so filling, the portion was so big and it was the first time I can't finished the curry given. Sometimes I even ask for more curry...
Appealing pictures tell a thousand words.
This is the fried cuttlefish wrap with cheese..
The melted cheese...
The curry was put in a separeted lamp shaped jug..
Mr Joe trying to ask the genie out for his 3 wishes
Ohhh.. this is heaven~~~
Very busy...
Autumn fallen @ 11:10 PM |