Tuesday, September 25, 2007
*24 months of blog life*
Its been 2 years. Time flies~~~
2 years ago, my poly life was still going on, never thought of further on study, still as broke as now, waiting for 21st birthday, never step into a plane before, blahblahblah~~
I love blogging because this is the only place to record down my life, the place I went and nice food I have eaten. I can post beautiful pictures and video.
If one fine day I happen to lost all my memory, I guess this will be a great help. At least of this 2 years.
I love blogging!
Blog skin I have before:

My first blog skin, last for a month onli I think.

The second one, this one last for quite long. 1 year I think

Hooooooo, I love this, the whole blog is in red colour...

The current one, I think this is the most pretty among four.
Autumn fallen @ 4:16 PM |