Friday, January 04, 2008
*A Brand New Year, Brand New Start*
2007 had been a fruitful one.
Looking back the past entries, I found out that I did not write any resolution for 2007.
I love 2007, thinking back... I made decisions...
like... continue study which I think is the most ultimate right choice I've made.
like... a poor student I am, effort to taiwan with best friends.
like... quit a full-time job and do temp jobs on/off.. (ohhh... this is life man...)
like... spent our 4th year anniversary at Phuket
like... score destinctions even though skip lessons to oversea. ( hehehe...)
like... because wanted to slim down and sign up membership which I did not go for more then twice a month. yaaa... I saw money flying away... But nevermind, I know from one fine day onwards I'll go as much as I could. yes, i will...
like... sponsor by someone to s.korea. (hohoho...)
like... finally planned a successful besties party.. Supered delightful to see besties reunion..
like... meet up with friends rather often then before.
like... tried on different cuisines, different restaurants *cross fingers to the max* and still managed to maintain the same weight. *cross fingers to the max max max max*
like... never treat my sponsorial good enough.
2008 will be a different one.
I want... my parent to stay the healthiest.
I want... my family to be the most loving one.
I want... to find a perm job after graduate and hit 3 before the year ends.
I want... to lose 10kg. (whahahaha... the MI task)
I want... to visit angmo country (Australia not included)
I want... all my friends to love me more.. =>
I want... my love relationship to be as stable as 2007
I want... to be more hardworking at each day.
I want... to pass out my degree smoothly.
I want... to score more distinctions.
I want... to open a current account.
I want... to prettier ( ya.. vain)
I want... to club more.
I want... him to loves me more.
I want... to treat him better.
I want... to complete the above before 31-12-2008...
Oh yeah~
Autumn fallen @ 10:34 AM |