Friday, September 30, 2005
*Cocktail Event At Cortina Watch*
Today might be the last day I work for Bakerzin as I am going to start my attactment soon. Days working at Bakerzin are memorable, I definitely will miss u guys. There is this cocktail event at Cortina Watch where my manager ask me back for helping, supposing I have quit 3 weeks ago. Although the working time is only 2 to 6 BUT it was as tired as working full shift.
My both hand have to hold the tray for 2 hours, and it was shaking all the way. Can you imagin how aching is my both hand and arm? Anyway, it was a good experience. After the event we get to eat some of the pastry which are prepared for this event. Haha.. Delicious!!!
After work, I went to find Serene at RC Giodano to get the FULL HOUSE vcd. She was pretty busy at the cashier counter so we din get to chat. :(
So sad that we might have lesser time to spend together cos she will be starting project first.
The stupid lecturer rather to save his time than to change for her. Curse him!!!
Autumn fallen @ 10:33 PM |