Happy Birthday To You .....
Happy Birthday To You .....
Happy Birthday To Eunice .....
Happy Birthday To You .....
Today is Eunice 20th birthday. Her boyfriend Jintong wanted to give her a surprise, he asked all of us out to celebrate for her. Jintong had reserved a table for 10 at Jack's Place and a cake. Probably was too last min, end up only Jiahui, Shiyun, Angela and me were available. Mary wanted to join us but she was sick. Poor girl... Hope you get well soon. Meifong, Zihua and Liting had their dating first, Jieyun and Xiufang need to work. NEVERMIND.... Each of us represent 2.. Hoho.. Supposing we were to reach the restaurant earlier and prepare the cake before Eunice reach but some of us were late ( Nono.. all of us were late. Latest was Angela, Eunice sit the chair till hot hot liao then reach) When we reach the restaurant and just touch the table, our birthday girl arrived but still
"""""""""""""" SURPRISE""""""""""""""
We find an excuse (go outside wait for Angela just in case she don't where is the place) and run to another side of the restaurant but as our foot step were too noisy that she can hear it at another side, we go there to prepare the cake and write the card, in the mean while wait for that "
(Grandly Arrived).All of us were so "Gan Chiong" sia. Some more I heard one of us say "My heart pumping very fast sia(of cos not me, I think is Shiyun. Haha..) When Angela reach, she hold the cake to her and we sing birthday song. The restaurant people very good sia, know how to synchronize with us, they played the birthday song. Hoho.. We won't so "ma lu"... Cake Cutting Time:

After the birthday song and cake cutting, we ordered our dishes:
Appetiser - Prawn & Mango Cocktail
Thats Eunice De... Venison & Crayfish
Thats Jintong De... NZ Sirloin Steak with Black Pepper
Thats Mine De... Steak & Catfish
Thats Jiahui De... New Asian Butter Steak
Thats Angela De.. LampChop & Fish
Thats Shiyun De... NZ Sirloin Steak with Mushroom
Horray!! We all have our yum yum!!! "
After the food, photo taking time:
After we chit chat talk cock and Jiahui keep going to the toilet, time to pay the bill.
Surprisingly the cake was quite cheap, cheaper than those brandless de. Haha. and it taste good.. CAN BUY!!!
At first Jintong wanted to foot the bill for all of us but we insist of paying him 20bucks each because we think that it was too expensive for him to pay for all. After pushing the money here and there, he finally accept. Aiyo.. pity money, don't want give me la ( sounds like Zihua hor.. Haha.. HuaHua.. I just kidding de.. Hee...)
When we leave Jack's Place and walk pass Heeren, we saw this:
Damn bloody cute man.. That Dulex Old English Sheep Dog. Wanted to touch it but scared it bite me.. Hurr...
Meet dear dear after that meal. Accompany him to eat dinner.. EAT AGAIN!!!
We got to walk pass centre point and it decoration attracts me.
M&M de Chocolate melt my mouth but not your mouth.. Hoho!!!