Finally have time to change my blog skin. Nice? * Grin* I like it a lots. Actually the previous one i also adore but too small, make my picture and word look so big. *SIGN* So lonely at home. Dear is on broad, friends are dating, family is out.
Luckily still have things to do, and a meaningful one. SLEEP!!!
Hopefully tonight going out with Eunice they all to catch a midnight show, else my Saturday will be burn up in sleeping though is meaningful. Heee...
01-11-05 Thursday
Its a holiday!!! Public Holiday!!! haha.. No need to work. Going shopping with Yun. Its been a long time going shopping with her. We decided to go Marine Square again, as that time we din shop, only went there to watch movie. Actually I wanted to go there is because I saw a shoes shop having discount. That shop name Tinkerbell. They usually sells high heel shoes and I brought one cost me $29.90 only, cheap right. I also brought a top at O.A.M.C, they were having great discount. The orignal price for that top i brought is $35.90 but they were selling at $15. Hoho.. It make my mood so high man!!! We had our dinner at Carl's Jr ---> that fatting fast food restaurant. We share a set meal n additional order a beef with cheese n chili fries ( forget wats de name). When we stand up than we know that we were dame full, nearly vomit out. We continue our shopping and Yun brought a top at e-base and a long nice black long skirt at Only You. She took a long time to decide whether to buy that skirt or not because it will cost her $42.90. Quite x, some more no brand. We were like idiot walking around and she keep asking me to buy or not. We walk back to the shop and found out that the skirt was having discount. When she finally make up her mind and ask for a new piece but the sale person says that it was the last piece. And again..... She takes her time to think again and ask the sale person to search from other outlet and there was also a last piece at bugis and so.. She brought it. We settle down at Raffles City's Star Bucks to rest and have some drinks. We were talking about some short form and long form of words. So I ask her whats is RC = Raffles City, PA = Paragon , OA = Orchard at Atrium, US = United Square, MW = M.Walk, OF = One Fullerton, MS = Marine Square , Muhammad Sultan. Out of the sudden, she ask proudly what is CB???? After laughing out loud, I ask her back what is LJ?? She still curious what I am laughing till I said out my answer for CB is "C*e* B*e" than she know what I mean LJ. Thats the joke of the day. HAha.. Any way her CB = Coffee Bean.
Here are the presents i received from my friends and bf's mum, there are 2 but hopefully more.. Greedy Me!! *Grin*

Nice Watch Right? Thankz Guys!! Love you all so Much!!

The little box beside the watch is from my bf's mum. So surprising to received that. Couldn't close look to shoot it as the light reflect badly. Thanks to Joe's mummy.
Want to know hows my working place look like? Secretly took some pictures. Hopefully they wont see that.

My Desk!!!

Dear Piglet!!!

Wondering how is the owner? Anyway it was there for weeks..