Let me recall back to the new year eve, a wonderful gathering....
31-12-05 Saturday
Wake up early in the morning to go eat breakfast with dear at khatib. Planning of buying the brownie material at NTUC but NTUC doesn't have the material and at that time was already 11.30am. So we decided to go North Point Cold Storage, the bus was dame long so dear decided to take cab there. What an expensive brownie but nevermind, must be bake through my hand then will be nice. They say so too.. haha.. After snatching the material, we rush back home to start baking and after 2 hours of wars, finally the result is out.
Ta Dang.... M&M Brownie....
Meet Yunyun at bus stop to go meifong house prepare the others food, Yun look so depress sia. She say if I reach later might see her tears dropping. That few days she was very worried about her project as the dead line is today. Wondering how was her project?? Give her a call later.
Ya.. We took bus 854 to Meifong house and wait for Mali to reach. We go down to her house downstair a supermarket name " Ang Mo" but the potato they selling is chinese de. Supermarket bluff people, we want ang mo potato. The things there they selling were cheap, we brought so many so many stuff only cost us $38. Back to Meifong house and we starts work....
Messy table, things all over because we split our job to save time. I will be doing the potato salad, meifong making the sushi, uni doing the sandwiches , yunyun do the cooking and mali the most "wei da", she handle all the washing of plates. BUT... half way run away with uni to think questions for later games and yunyun got to clear the shit.. haha... We all hate washing the plates except Mali. Mali... next time I cook for u but u wash the plates ok.. We also make a "bian tang" - lunch box - for meifong's papa, meifong say her papa very happy woz. We also happy!!!
By the time we finish cooking all the food was already 8pm. We faster pack up and split cabby into 2 to East Coast Park.Xiufang reach at the time we arrived. We walk to quite far from mcdonald and finally found a place to settle down.
The Tent!!!
The Food!!!
Delicious Food!!! All the "
" inside these food..
After a while, we cant tahan to wait for them to come so we start to eat the food first. Zihua and Zihua's Vincent , Angela and Angela's Xiang Wei arrived just right after to starts to eat. After the food, we starts to play true or dare. The most "er xin" is xiufang kana the dare to eat cumuber, worst is she had to ask some one to accompany her.. I kana dare , 10 star jump and meifong too.. haha.. Throw face .. The funniest is Xiang Wei had to smell uni's tongtong armpit and make monkey face.
Xiufang and Angela they all need to go off early so we let them pick their present first. The others wait for Liting and Jiahui to come then exchange. When both of them arrived, we continue to play the true and dare. Some of the question were so "pai seh" sia.
There are the present exchange-d.....
Xiufang got my gift ( Face Mask) Huahua got Liting gift(Gift Voucher) Angela got Fong gift(Photo Frame)
Me got Jieyun gift(Dinner Bag) Liting got Angela gift(necklace) Fong got Uni gift(Jenga)
Uni got Mali gift(Bed Sheet) Jieyun got Xiufang gift (Pen) Mali got Huahua gift(Armpit Bag)
Huihui got Yunyun gift and Yunyun got Huihui gift(both bags)
We took many group pictures.
They stand there chat chat for quite long, see liao buai tahan so take down their gossiping photo to show their skill. Powerful ok!!!
After so many photos, there isn't any photo that show the 11 of us. So I decided to do this
Nice right... As if Liting was shooting "some" advertisment and we were the background.
After the photo taking, Liting went off to find her friend and we start to explore Fong present. Jenga from uni. Got things to play leh..
O.o.o.o. DROP.. Whose fault???
Mali lo.. Sadded....
We play till 3+ and suddenly can felt rain drop. All of us look up to the sky. Bloody Red!!! We quickly pack up all the things, this time round got many many stuff to pack like tent, mat... But still, team work.. We pack at the fastest speed and all roll to fong house by cabby, jieyun go her friends house n huihui go back home cos she too tired leh.. Reach fong house, have a hot bath first cos too sticky leh, buai tahan sia. We chat a while, supposing didn't want to sleep de, but fong la switch off the light and all starts to ZzZzZz.
Wake up late at 12pm, Uni n her tong tong went off first, mi and yunyun stay at fong house till 3pm then go. Before we went off, we play Jenga for a few times first. Yunyun went home to wash up and go Mali house to do her project, me and fong go with her to kpo. Haha.. Reach Mali house at 6pm, we take away some food at Mali house downstair for dinner and starts our labby session. Yunyun still cant figure out her project so we decided to stop the labby session and start another session.. Guess what session??? Is mahjong session. So regret to play couse I think we step into the wrong house. Mali house!!! She keep winning woz.... But overall still ok, lost about 4 bucks.. Hee.. Enjoyable Day!!!