Saturday, December 16, 2006
*Sign* Mr Joe was sick and he is sleeping now. Today plan is to go IKEA Tampines store but it seen like we have postphone this trip to tomorrow. Nothing to do now, trying hard to write somethings here.
Hmm.. I miss my besties badly. It seen like we long time never meet liao. Even is Yun who is supposingly to meet me every weekday, but like no time never see her liao. Wondering how is Uni at the new environment, waiting for her to graduate and would like to see her in kebayah(I think I spell it wrongly, heehhheee). Wondering how is Fong's keyboard lesson, I guess she will score A1. hmm... Mali leh? Busying working OT? Must rest ok. Is Hui still busy at her working stuff? Poor thing, I guess she miss her excerise session. Same to Fang too, guess recently she also very busy with her working stuff and no time for excerise.
Angela when want to get married, heeheheee... waiting waiting.. Hua ahhh.. don't always go shopping and forget to ask me out orh.. :p Jyun still always kana pestering by her prevert boss? hmm.. Hopefully her boss get married soon and will point the arrow to her husband instead. heeehhee.. Lastly is Ting, wondering when she starts her school @ ACCA, heard that is the most famours Account school in Spore? Or world wide? Sooner, the 2 of us will be damn bloodly busy with work and study but still, we must meet out oftenly ya. Miss you saying " Xi wang ni hui hao!!!" heeehhheeee...
Alright~~~ End of the introduction of my besties.

Autumn fallen @ 1:07 PM |