Wednesday, January 03, 2007
*First Working Day of The Year 2007*
Happy Belated New Year To You Guys~~~~~ Didn' t get the chance to go online and greet you all on time. heehhhheee.. Last 2 weeks was like so busy, but I enjoy alot. Will share with you guys soon.
Anyway, how is your first working day of 2007? boring right~~~
As usual, I cant wake up on time and have to take expensive cabby with 7bucks ERP, 2bucks for peak hour and 14bucks for the travelling. ArgGGgg~~~
Hey Boss, is time for pay increment.............
Alright alright, 4 more mins to 6pm. Happy ya. 2 more days and is weekend again... HoOOHoohHoo~~~~~`
Autumn fallen @ 5:56 PM |