Tuesday, April 24, 2007
*Is a Happy Day Today!!!*
Hey peeps, some good news from me.
My weight has BACK to NORMAL. Finally get rid of that 2 freaking kg, had poo 5 times from sunday till now. Guess the weight is due to the shit?? Wow.. 2kg of shit. I will continue to let my weight down down down down down down~~~~~
Sis just change a new handphone for mama, a 3G phone some more. Though is sign plan for the free handphone, but still I guess mama will be happy to see the handphone with camera. :))))))))
Today, the singtel guy came to install and connect the wireless Mio modem. FINALLY!!!!! I can use my new PC. No need to tolerate that freaking old, slow PC anymore. Do you know how much patience and time I have give to post the previous entry with 100 over pictures??? It took me more that 3 hours for the entry. That also the reason I have stop blogging for a while. But nevermind, no torturing for me anymore, whahahahhaaaaaaaa.
Say BYE BYE to old hag!!!!!
Ta Dang~~~ Here comes the black beauty!!!
Autumn fallen @ 11:07 PM |