Wednesday, March 14, 2007
*I am Back and Off soon*
Hey Peeps.. Yes, I am finally back to blog. Aiya~~~ You know lahh, my stupid PC is *ucking slow and recently so busy at work.
Oya. My school started. More busy and tired.
Actually I have prepared the photo(s) for vday, CNY and some restaurants that I have visited. But I think I shall skip those.
I am very very looking forward to this fri, 16th of March. Off to Taiwan, taipei.
Counting down now..... Hohoh..
Today is my dear Yien Shan's 21st Birthday.
Happy 21st Birthday to YOU~~~
Recently just got myself a new toy. Creative Zen Neeon2 from IT Show. Lil regret cos I found a better offer after buying. So Sad~~~ :(((((

Brought a HP Desktop also, pending on delivery to my house. Can't wait for it man. Finally I disposal that *ucking stupid slow com away. WHAHAHAHHA~~~~~
Alright, I shall post more photo once I am back from taiwan. Hopefully the PC will be there once I am back. heee...
Autumn fallen @ 12:39 PM |