Sunday, April 29, 2007
*Phuket Here I Come~~~~*
I am going off to Phuket on next Wednesday, to celebrate the 4th Anniversary with Mr Joe. Really cant wait man. Actually we plan to go Bali de, but there was no more seat for coming back. No choice but to change the destination. Nevermind, can save money. Phuket cheaper even though we stay at 4 star hotel. hohohoooooooo.......
Actually I felt sorry to my study, have to skip lessons and also there are few assignments on hand. Sorry to my assignment group members too. Cant join the discussion.
HOW??? I want to study yet to travel with Mr Joe. We haven't get to take plane together before, only bus to Redang. hmmm... Nvm la hor, will study hard once back. heee... Pls don't blame me...
Autumn fallen @ 12:46 AM |