Sunday, April 29, 2007
*Phuket Here I Come~~~~*
I am going off to Phuket on next Wednesday, to celebrate the 4th Anniversary with Mr Joe. Really cant wait man. Actually we plan to go Bali de, but there was no more seat for coming back. No choice but to change the destination. Nevermind, can save money. Phuket cheaper even though we stay at 4 star hotel. hohohoooooooo.......
Actually I felt sorry to my study, have to skip lessons and also there are few assignments on hand. Sorry to my assignment group members too. Cant join the discussion.
HOW??? I want to study yet to travel with Mr Joe. We haven't get to take plane together before, only bus to Redang. hmmm... Nvm la hor, will study hard once back. heee... Pls don't blame me...
Autumn fallen @ 12:46 AM |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
*Is a Happy Day Today!!!*
Hey peeps, some good news from me.
My weight has BACK to NORMAL. Finally get rid of that 2 freaking kg, had poo 5 times from sunday till now. Guess the weight is due to the shit?? Wow.. 2kg of shit. I will continue to let my weight down down down down down down~~~~~
Sis just change a new handphone for mama, a 3G phone some more. Though is sign plan for the free handphone, but still I guess mama will be happy to see the handphone with camera. :))))))))
Today, the singtel guy came to install and connect the wireless Mio modem. FINALLY!!!!! I can use my new PC. No need to tolerate that freaking old, slow PC anymore. Do you know how much patience and time I have give to post the previous entry with 100 over pictures??? It took me more that 3 hours for the entry. That also the reason I have stop blogging for a while. But nevermind, no torturing for me anymore, whahahahhaaaaaaaa.
Say BYE BYE to old hag!!!!!
Ta Dang~~~ Here comes the black beauty!!!
Autumn fallen @ 11:07 PM |
Monday, April 23, 2007
*Gain Weight Session*
Just came back from Malaysia Muar yesterday, 2Days 1 Night. Went to visit my 3rd Uncle and family and also to gain weight. I gain 2kg. *Bloody Hell* But not as bad as my bro who gain 5 freaking kg within 2days and sis gain 3kg. Hohohoohoo…
If you have 6 meals in 1 day, how not to gain weight????
Day1 – The meals we have….
- Bread and coffee in the morning before travel
- Ba Gu Teh(Branch)
- Otah, Fried Banana flitters, Fruits( Tea-Time1)
- Mee Rojah(Tea-Time2)
- Ah Sum Fish(Dinner)
- Mee Suan(Supper)
Like that how not to gain weight??? But still we enjoy a lot. Have been 4 years never went to visit them. Too bad now don’t have durian yet, mayb 2 more months will go again. Hee…
Picture time~~~

Yogurt Place @ AMKhub, the yogurt taste fantastic.

I have the Chocolate Flacks Yogurt.

My Red turn Pink Hair~~~ So Ugly!!!

She is my dearest lil niece who doesn’t likes to take photo

Alright, then we take ourselves

No, she still don’t want to take photo. Hmm.. Try again

Alright, she really don’t want take photo

Ba Gu Teh – Nice

Chili Fish

Fish Again

Pig’s trot with vinegar


Fried otah

My favorite Yam Rice

Place for Mee Rojah

A big group of us

The yummy Mee Rojah, very very nice.

Fried Wu Xiang



We eventually finished all the food and this was the 4th meal

Alright, eat again.

She finishes the whole plate of rice

Table full of food

The famous ah sum fish

I love this, flat fish

Squid with prawns and beans

Big head


My handsome nephew

Sexy Babe.. Opps... Who say you can take my picture???

Crying again, she is the princess here.. STARE!!!!

After her beauty sleep, finally allow to take photo

Nephew and Sis

Cute lil boy, evidence for being bullied

Durian but not nice de

Riding airplane, he said

Lil girl eating durian, and her big stomach

Look at the camera

He got red nose, hee… that’s my finger

WHO??? Who made her cry???

Hor hor… Mr Joe bully her

Peace… Finally got a picture with her


Play with her friend, and choose to ignore us.. So sad….
Autumn fallen @ 6:50 PM |